CHW developed a Campus Trail Master Plan for the University of Florida which consisted of campus-wide trails network inclusive of shared use paths, interconnecting with existing trails on and off campus, while preserving existing ecological resources maintaining access, and highlighting the important features of the UF Campus. As part of the UF Campus Framework Plan efforts, four initial ideas were developed. One of these ideas was the idea of centering campus around Lake Alice, and a conceptual diagram was prepared which demonstrated this within the Campus Framework Plan. CHW was asked to expand upon this concept and develop a campus-wide trails master plan. During this process, CHW worked closely with UF PDC to establish a stakeholder group in order to receive feedback and guidance during the design process. The CHW team met and coordinated with multiple stakeholders in order to develop project mission and goals, gain feedback on materials and usage, and receive input on missing connections, important nodes, priorities and phasing. CHW conducted an extensive analysis of the existing trails, shared use paths, sidewalks, and bike paths on campus and within the surrounding areas in order to determine where gaps currently exist.
UF Campus Trail Master Plan
Location Gainesville, FL
Client UF Planning, Design, & Construction
Status Complete