The site design included three driveway connections to County Roadway, 162 parking spaces, a network of drive aisles for student drop queuing, a covered play court area, grass playfields, a maintenance building, amphitheater, sidewalk facility, potable water system, sanitary sewer system, separate bus drop off and pick up the loop, retaining wall systems (+/-35 feet of elevation change across the 15-acre site), off-site turn lane improvements, and 437 linear feet of 16-inch water main extension for future connections. Multiple neighborhood workshops were conducted to ease the surrounding residents’ concerns and questions. This resulted in the acceptance and endorsement of the project by the residents and the public.
This project also received the Green Globe Certification, which is a worldwide certification label for sustainable management and operations. CHW is providing land planning, urban design, land surveyor and mapping, and civil engineering services.