The Honey Bee Research and Extension Laboratory is a premier honey bee research facility in the United States. This new laboratory and teaching complex provides a single campus where tomorrow’s beekeepers and the next generation of bee scientists and educators are trained. The reach of the extension and teaching complex serves not only beekeepers, but also farmers, students, and politicians both nationally and internationally. The construction of this state-of-the-art bee research and instructional laboratory was critical to the future success of the beekeeping industry and the sustainability of our global food supply.
The Bee Facility is an 8,000 gsf single-story facility dedicated to Bee research containing teaching labs, research labs, and the needed support spaces for the facility to be fully self-contained. This facility is comprised of 1,470 sf of laboratory teaching area, 4,144 sf of laboratory facility, 1,820 sf of office space, and 180 sf of general use or lounge space.
Congratulations UF IFAS for being the 1st commercial #FGBC Platinum certification in the state! Issued January 2021.