We are proud to announce that the our University of Florida/P.K. Yonge Developmental Research Middle-High School project won an Outstanding Project Award from Learning By Design Magazine.
The PK Yonge Team
SchenkelShultz Architecture – Architect
Moses & Associates, Inc. – MEP Engineer
Walter P Moore Associates Inc. – Structural Engineer
Causseaux, Hewett & Walpole, Inc. – Civil Engineer
David Conner + Associates – Landscape Architect
Ramski & Company – Interior Designer
Siebein Associates Inc. – Acoustical Designer
Below is an excerpt from the award page in Leaning By Design:
“The P.K. Yonge Developmental Research School is affiliated with the University of Florida’s College of Education. In order to align with the school’s mission and vision, P.K. Yonge embarked on a phased replacement of its existing facilities that will transform the facilities into a modern campus and a student focused 21st century learning environment.
The design of the new, three story middle–high school building creates a student-centered learning environment that is flexible, technology-rich and provides opportunities for collaboration to occur everywhere. Each learning community includes STEM labs, open collaboration areas, learning studios, distance learning labs, teacher planning/collaboration and small group breakout spaces.
In addition to the innovative 21st century learning environment indoors, the school is situated on a site with both wooded and open terrain that provides opportunities for outdoor learning. The school has a direct connection with Tumblin Creek, which runs west to east through the campus. The design incorporates a meandering pathway and outdoor seating wall that allows students to engage with the site. The school takes advantage of the outdoors by creating teaching opportunities through environmental classrooms, a wetlands/ stormwater education area, outdoor classrooms and a fossil dig area.”
For the complete list of winning projects visit Learning By Design.