Each year, the Urban Land Institute’s North Florida chapter conducts the ULI’s Center for Leadership (CFL) program. This intensive nine-month program provides thirty CFL participants with a broad perspective on growth, development, and the policies influencing change and investment in North Florida and across the State.
Recently, CFL participants traveled from Jacksonville to Gainesville for an all-day program focused on Public Policy. A lively panel discussion, held at the Cade Museum with local dignitaries, program directors, and industry leaders, was moderated by CHW’s Vice President Gerry Dedenbach. CFL participants also toured local neighborhoods, the Innovation District, 4th Avenue Food Park, and concluded their day with a keynote presentation by the Honorable Ken Cornell, County Commission Chair, at First Magnitude Brewing Company.
Thank you ULI and Public Policy panelist, Brian, Gigi, Corey, and Commissioner Cornell for sharing your experiences working within our communities, creating, and navigating complex public policy. Among the knowledge and experienced shared, the encouragement by all panelists was to ‘get involved early and help guide policies is the best way to create strong and resilient communities for all.’