CHW Professional Consultants received a 2021 ACEC-FL’s Outstanding Environmental Project Award at the recent ACEC-FL Transportation Conference.
The American Council of Engineering Companies of Florida (ACEC-FL) annually recognizes outstanding achievements by its members in accomplishing the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) studies and projects. CHW was selected by the ACEC-FL as a recipient of the Outstanding Environmental Project Award as the prime consultant for the FDOT District 2’s SR A1A at Fort George Inlet Park project in Duval County, Florida.
The SR AIA at Fort George Inlet Park was conceptualized, designed, and constructed to address safety concerns where the low flight path of seagulls flying between the estuary and freshwater ponds conflicted with motor vehicles traveling along A1A. The completed design includes sculpted landforms to mimic the nearby dunes that are densely planted with native trees, palms, and groundcovers to alter the flight of the birds upward and away from traffic. The result is a beautiful, contextually appropriate design that provides a safer environment for all.
The scope for this project included the development of an information video that was utilized to inform the public of the issue and proposed design solution. The digitally rendered video demonstrated the existing flight path birds would take and how that flight path might present a conflict with motorists traveling along SR A1A.
While the overriding intent of the project was to provide a safer environment for wildlife and the traveling public, it was also important to provide an aesthetically pleasing environment for Little Talbot Island State Park visitors and motorists traveling along the scenic AIA corridor. The Landscape materials provide additional environmental benefits as well. The ecosystem plantings installed provide oxygen, erosion control, heat island reduction, and provide improvements to water and air quality for the surrounding environment.
Learn more about the landscape architecture services that were provided on this award-winning project.
Learn more about the teams that brought home the Outstanding Environmental Project, FDOT District 2’s SR A1A at Fort George Inlet Park: