You might call our civil engineers the heartbeat of the project, or the brains behind the design, but we call them the team that turns ideas into reality. This year, CHW is celebrating Engineer’s Week by highlighting our talented team’s detailed and innovative solutions.
San Felasco Parkway
CHW’s Featured #EngineersWeek project is The San Felasco Parkway Phase 1. This new parkway is the first phase of a two-lane divided roadway funded by the Governor’s Economic Development Grant. This phase is approximately 7,300 linear feet traversing through a 250-acre future business and technology park, connecting CR 241 to Progress Boulevard in Progress Park. The multi-modal corridor includes vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian facilities to serve the community. The corridor design includes lighting, landscaping, stormwater, and utilities such as water, sewer, electric, gas, and telecom. The project provides the shovel-ready infrastructure to support economic growth opportunities in the City of Alachua and the greater Gainesville / Alachua County area.
Visit www.chw-inc.com/team to learn more about the CHW team.
Engineer’s Week
Founded by NSPE in 1951, EWeek is celebrated nationwide from February 16-22, 2020, and is dedicated to ensuring a diverse and well-educated future engineering workforce by increasing understanding of and interest in engineering and technology careers. Visit the DiscoverE website to learn more about #EWeek2020 and its mission.