The American Society of Landscape Architects of Florida (ASLA-FL) has announced CHW Professional Consultants and the City of Jacksonville Beach Urban Trails Master Plan project as a 2023 ASLA-FL Merit Award Recipient for Planning and Analysis. We want to congratulate the City of Jacksonville Beach Parks and Recreation and our teaming partners ADG | Acuity Design Group & Ayers Associates on this achievement. Designed by CHW’s Transportation Engineering, Planning + Design, and Landscape Architecture teams, the Jax Beach Urban Trails Master Plan was derived from the City’s vision to create a multi-modal urban trail network. To accomplish this, the City and planning + design teams identified objectives to create a multi-use trail network for all users by developing a concept and design structure to guide future public infrastructure investments; and introduce policies, processes, and regulations that enhance the use of the network. This was all to ensure a comprehensive, safe system through evaluation and design that provides a trail network available for the enjoyment of all users. In addition to establishing routes, trail types, and cross sections, the final Master Plan includes policy recommendations, environmental considerations, capital budgeting strategies, grant opportunities, and implementation best practices for the long-term success of the plan.